Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Sunday, August 16, 2020

A small cheat..

Yes, I'm 'cheating' on the Beacon Hill Park ducks.....by putting up some pics from a stop at King's Pond, at the Victoria Golf Course.  These were hanging around out of the sun, floating around in the shade of reflections of some lovely green trees.

Please click on the pic to embiggen!

Sunday, June 07, 2020

Definitely Ducks

Lucky to have been spending a bit of time now and again in Beacon Hill Park this spring, I thought I'd share a few duck pics on the blog.  So......

Please click on the pic to embiggen!

I really like watching the mallards - and friends - gliding along the water's surface, scooping up bits & pieces.

Ok, not a mallard.

....sneak in a couple more non-mallards....

...and as it's spring....baby ducks!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Some late ducks!

I did this short post some time back and didn't get around to posting it.
Anyhoo....here it is, with a just few pics from over the last few years at Beacon Hill Park.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Some Cold Ducks!

Came back from India a bit too early!  First a lot of rain and wind (normal), then we get hit with a substantial snow storm and a fair bit of accumulation!  Pretty unusual for Victoria. As everyone says, 'just lovely but hope it doesn't last.'  It is nice to walk in - as long as the wind isn't trying to knock you down. So, other than daily shovelling, I did get down to the ocean, and then to the park with duck food.  Here are a few pics from a cloudy day and a sunny day.

Although I do edit and process the pictures, the bright colours in the park are pretty natural for certain times of day, when the trees have a lot of  yellow in their bare branches, and so produce gorgeous yellow and red colour reflections in the water.  What is quite difficult is to colour-balance shaded areas (which look very blue) with the ducks and the sky.

Please click on the pics to embiggen!

Down at Ross Bay.
The Ross Bay Big Stump.
Quite a few American Wigeons.
What!?? A person stopping!?  Any food?!?!
Looks like there might be food!!!!
Ahhhh.....food! ( I try to always bring duck food to pay them off as modelling fees.)
Making their way through the ice obstacles.

Just floating along through the ice.
Reflections from a gold-branched tree and the sky.

Some neighbors in the park.

NOT from Beacon Hill Park, but rather King's Pond.  Put it in just because I like Wood Ducks!