Monday, January 27, 2020

Some late ducks!

I did this short post some time back and didn't get around to posting it. it is, with a just few pics from over the last few years at Beacon Hill Park.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Some Cold Ducks!

Came back from India a bit too early!  First a lot of rain and wind (normal), then we get hit with a substantial snow storm and a fair bit of accumulation!  Pretty unusual for Victoria. As everyone says, 'just lovely but hope it doesn't last.'  It is nice to walk in - as long as the wind isn't trying to knock you down. So, other than daily shovelling, I did get down to the ocean, and then to the park with duck food.  Here are a few pics from a cloudy day and a sunny day.

Although I do edit and process the pictures, the bright colours in the park are pretty natural for certain times of day, when the trees have a lot of  yellow in their bare branches, and so produce gorgeous yellow and red colour reflections in the water.  What is quite difficult is to colour-balance shaded areas (which look very blue) with the ducks and the sky.

Please click on the pics to embiggen!

Down at Ross Bay.
The Ross Bay Big Stump.
Quite a few American Wigeons.
What!?? A person stopping!?  Any food?!?!
Looks like there might be food!!!!! ( I try to always bring duck food to pay them off as modelling fees.)
Making their way through the ice obstacles.

Just floating along through the ice.
Reflections from a gold-branched tree and the sky.

Some neighbors in the park.

NOT from Beacon Hill Park, but rather King's Pond.  Put it in just because I like Wood Ducks!